Shutter control skills

2022-01-17 14:37:21 hongling

In photography, the most original quality of the captured image comes from the control of exposure. Digital cameras, like traditional cameras, control the amount of light allowed to shine on the photosensitive element or film through the aperture and shutter. Among them, the shutter determines the time of shooting the image, and its opening time is determined according to the set shutter speed.

Generally, the shutter speed range of the camera is 4 seconds, 2 seconds, 1 second and so on. The first skill to control the shutter is to pay attention to the safe shutter time. If the camera shakes due to instability during the shutter opening, the captured image will become blurred. This is why we should keep the body stable during shooting, which is why it is easier to blur the image if the shutter speed is too slow. Therefore, in general, the selected shutter speed is faster than the safety shutter speed, and the safety shutter = 1 / focal length of the lens. For example, the focal length of the lens is 50mm, and the safety shutter is 1 / 50 second, that is, the shutter speed of more than 1 / 60 second should be selected to avoid the problem of image blur caused by hand vibration during shooting.

In addition, when controlling the shutter, we also need to pay special attention to the time delay of the shutter. The so-called shutter delay is the time between pressing the shutter and imaging the photosensitive element or film. Because the shutter delay of digital cameras is longer than that of traditional cameras, only the shutter delay of top professional single lens reflective digital cameras is equivalent to that of traditional cameras, and the delay of most digital cameras is 2-3 times that of ordinary traditional cameras. If the LCD screen is used for shooting, the time lag is more serious. Although the time lag is very short, it is a long time for a moving object. For snap photography, the best time will be missed. Moreover, the time lag of different cameras is different. You need to know your camera and do a lot of quick response shooting exercises to avoid the impact of time lag on you.