Six elements of commercial poster design

2022-01-15 17:11:14 hongling

In daily work, beautiful posters play a more and more important role. Today, Xiaobian has dedicated some elements that need attention in commercial poster design. Let's see how to make it to present a high-quality design.

1、 Reasonable manufacturing tools

We want to use many tools to express an idea. For example, we can create our own graphic works on paper with a brush, or we can show them with scissors, and so on. New Year pictures are printed in a rigid way to show their unique style.

And at present, with the popularization of graphic design, computer application, and related software development, the tools that make the design more and more comprehensive depend on computers and software. Such software PS, AI, CDR are the most commonly used graphics design software, and various related graphics are widely recognized all over the world. In this way, the mastery of software has become one of the most basic standards of design work. In this way, the use of computer software has become a very reasonable design tool, gradually replacing the original manual production and image processing software, which is one of the most reasonable tools.

2、 Reasonable element production

Each creator expresses his ideas through each element. The rationality of production factors is directly related to whether he can think of it, whether it can be understood, whether the elements can be reasonable, and whether it is directly related to the appearance of the formation principle of the manufacturer's own material elements. The best way to learn the basic principles of object formation is to understand painting. The understanding of sketch will inevitably improve the rationality of element production.

3、 Reasonable color matching

Color is a very important way of visual communication. A variety of colors constantly fill our eyes every day. Through the observation of color, we can understand the emotion of color and improve our ability to judge things. There are also countless ways of understanding.

The rational use of color has become an important part of graphic design. It has also become an important symbol of the designer's level. For example, when we choose clothes, whether the color matching meets our own standards has become the first feeling of shoppers before we see the style. For a beginner of graphic design, it is a good learning method to spend a lot of time on the rational use of color.

4、 Reasonable combination of factors

For graphic design, the size, position and contrast of elements can reflect the visual focus, primary and secondary relationship and the overall balance of the design. Of course, in different design applications, there will be different ways to reflect. For example, most billboards are concentrated in the text area, which is often large and prominent, and the color contrast is also strong, so as to let people see important publicity content.

The beautiful poster design often expresses ideas through shocking pictures, and the words have not become an important prominent part. This is through different ways, there will be different combinations of elements. Reasonable collocation directly affects the visual effect. Its incarnation is neither a tiger's head and a snake's tail, nor a snake's foot. Balanced, reasonable and beautiful collocation has become an important means for people to understand works.

5、 Express your creative ideas reasonably

The idea of creative work is infinite, but it is expressed in different ways in different people. In different design needs, creativity will have different ways of expression. For example, in a highly creative design, people who understand the real creative work are often people in the same ideological field with themselves or peers, although most viewers will have different ways of understanding, often different from the original idea, and visual communication understanding is also high and low. That is, amateur observers.

Creativity cannot go beyond people's understanding in an ordinary way. Design often achieves the purpose of visual communication through moderate exaggeration. Different degrees of exaggeration will lead to different understanding and different degrees of creativity. Therefore, in commercial design, there is no best designer, only the most suitable designer. A good graphic designer often has a unique understanding of advertising creativity.

6、 Achieve unity of opposites in design

The design with flat creativity, single color and rigid element combination is unsuccessful and can not form a visual impression, while the design with ambiguous creativity, numerous colors and scattered layout is flashy. Therefore, the design should not only put the softness of many different elements together, but also highlight the important conveying parts, grasp the relationship between the unity of opposites, the great unity of creative elements, colors, or combinations, so as to reflect the internal changes of the formation, unity and rationality of the main idea, and the formation of visual communication without losing changes. This move has static, static and dynamic. The grasp of design concept is actually the understanding of the unity of opposites and the cultivation of world outlook.

Designers also need to constantly learn and understand the knowledge of various industries, improve their own quality, and grasp the design concept more freely. In this way, in the design of commercial posters, we can understand the schematic diagram of object structure, understand the principles of color composition, and master creative ideas.